Monday 19 January 2015

ABC News review of "Chapter One"

gives "Chapter One" 3 out of 5 stars and is praising - not Ghost - but these three songs:

“Mirror Man” Above I explained that this track works, but to expand, the great bass-line, and dynamite chorus set it apart from the majority of this album. It’s got some effective punch without feeling so calculated.

“Give Your Heart Away” At first this seems rather basic, but then Henderson busts out the chorus and really nails it in the best way possible.
“Empire” Part power-ballad, part club-banger, this track is a strange hybrid, but as Henderson carefully allows this song to build, she effectively gives it the power it needs. She proves herself to be quite a versatile vocalist on this track.

According to the review Ella "sells every note she sings". It is the the production that keeps the songs from going that extra mile and names "Ghost" as an example. "It’s when Ella steps out from that very specific formula when she shines the most, like on the sly and groovy Mirror Man, a hit waiting to happen". Ella "has a future and hopefully with more releases she will be allowed to take more chances". 

Read the full review online by clicking here.